Association rallying after rough year

Fiscal year 2007 was a difficult one financially for the association, with some significant revenue shortfalls. You’ll find full details in the association’s annual report, which will be available in early May. Recent initiatives taken by the national executive council in response to this include creating an EAC/ACR CafePress shop, launching a membership drive (2,008 in 2008!), charging employers for National Job Board postings, opening conference registration early, increasing efforts to secure conference and event sponsorships, and introducing a long-anticipated listing fee effective May 1 for the Online Directory of Editors. More details on the ODE listing fee will be available in an upcoming e-news broadcast. All these initiatives are alternatives to a further increase in membership dues.

If you have any questions, please email or post a forum message to Association Issues in Interactive Voice.

This broadcast was produced on behalf of the national executive council by the national office.

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