National Job Board

The Editors Canada national job board carries notices of full-time, part-time and freelance opportunities to members across the country.

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To hear about new job ads, be sure to like Editors/Réviseurs Canada on Facebook and follow @editorscanada on Twitter.

EDITORS CANADA MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE: Job notices are sent to Editors Canada by external clients and employers. Editors Canada does not vet the organizations or individuals who submit notices for the job board, nor does the association endorse this information.

It is the interested member’s responsibility to investigate this information further.

  • Editors Canada members considering these jobs should evaluate each posting thoroughly and obtain a written contract before commencing any work.
  • The Editors Canada Agreement Template for Editing Services is available for download.

If you experience any of the following suspicious practices, email the secretary so that the national executive council can advise on whether the post should be removed:

  • sending single chapters or sections to multiple editors to sample edit
  • asking for excessively large sample edits
  • asking the editor to pay a fee to be considered for the job
  • refusing to sign a contract
  • asking for payment considerations other than money, such as a share of future sales or profits
  • asking for unusual payment methods

French Editor (Published April 17)

Je tente de chercher un réviseur pour un manuscrit et, même en ajoutant aucun mot clé (donc, en espérant avoir accès à l’ensemble du répertoire), je n’obtiens que 2 ou 3 pages de résultats. En fait, combien de membres avez-vous? Et quelle est la façon efficace d’effectuer une recherche sur votre site? Je suis située à Montréal, j’ai besoin d’un réviseur francophone pour une révision linguistique d’environ 160 pages et le travail se fera sur 2 ou 3 semaines en juin.

Date limite et comment postuler: (bien qu’il s’agit d’un contrat de révision et non d’un poste d’emploi, bien sûr) sera le 15 mai 2024, à l’adresse courriel :

Editor (Published April 17)

TVB Associates Inc requires a freelance editor familiar with scientific grant writing (e.g. CFI Innovation Fund grants), science strategy documents, or science communications for an informed public audience.

Most of our documents concern research on materials. Samples of past projects in the category of science strategy documents or science communications include:

Responsibilities are to perform edits for clarity and quality of the text. The text to be edited is usually written by an individual with experience communicating about research. Thus, the degree of edits required vary from light (e.g. fixing errors) to medium (e.g. suggesting how to reorganize a paragraph for better flow of ideas).

Our volume of editing work has been in the range of $2-$5K per year over the past 4 years.

How to apply: Please contact to apply.

Application deadline: May 10th 2024

French Editor (Published April 17)

Sous la supervision de la responsable de la Collection française du Programme des mémoires
de survivants de l’Holocauste, l’éditeur adjoint ou éditrice adjointe assistera l’équipe éditoriale
dans son travail sur les manuscrits et les ressources en langue française. Les responsabilités
du poste incluent :

La relecture des manuscrits avant leur publication ;

La révision des ressources éducatives (programmes et activités éducatives, catalogues,
infolettres, etc.) ;

La mise à jour des bases de données éditoriales ;

La mise en œuvre de certaines tâches administratives ;

La traduction de courts textes de l’anglais au français ;
et autres.
Exigences et conditions

Diplôme universitaire en édition, traduction, ou tout autre domaine connexe ;

Excellente maîtrise de la langue française, tant à l’écrit qu’à l’oral ;

Solides compétences en matière de relecture ;

Grande attention au détail, professionnalisme, rigueur et minutie ;

Autonomie et bonne capacité à travailler en équipe ;

Sens de l’initiative et curiosité ;

Excellente maîtrise des logiciels Word, Excel, etc. ;

Bonne maîtrise du logiciel InDesign (un atout) ;
et autres.


Le Programme des mémoires de survivants de l’Holocauste de la Fondation Azrieli a été créé en 2005 afin de collecter, de conserver et de partager les mémoires et les journaux intimes rédigés par des survivants de l’Holocauste qui ont immigré au Canada. Publiés en français et en anglais, ces ouvrages sont distribués gratuitement aux établissements scolaires canadiens.

Comment postuler: Nous invitons les personnes intéressées à soumettre, en français, une lettre de motivation ainsi qu’un curriculum vitae par courriel à l’adresse suivante :
jusqu’au 3 mai 2024 au plus tard. Veuillez mentionner éditeur adjoint ou éditrice adjointe /
Programme des mémoires dans la ligne d’objet. La Fondation Azrieli s’engage à répondre aux besoins des personnes en situation de handicap dans le cadre de sa procédure de recrutement.
Nous remercions tous les candidats et candidates. Toutefois, seules les personnes répondant
aux critères requis seront contactées en vue d’un entretien.

Poetry Editor(Published April 12)

I am looking for an editor with a strong background in poetry. Preferably someone who has published some work of poetry.

How to apply: Please email with resume and rates.

Application deadline: April 30th 2024

Copyeditor Museum Guides Project – French (Published April 11)

Are you a qualified copyeditor who is professionally bilingual in French and English with a background in arts and culture? Flatpage is seeking experienced copyeditors to join our team as ongoing contractors for a special museums guide project! 

We are seeking editors to work with us on a temporary basis, from late April to June 2024, to work with institutions based in France with dual-language guides. As an editor with us on this project, you can expect to see a regular stream of museum guides, accessible on an app, from well-known institutions in France in areas such as history, science, art, performance, and more. The guides are usually approximately 5-30k words in length and require two passes: the first to proofread in both English and French and the second to input the edits into the app’s CMS platform. Any queries must be written in French.

This project requires regular work throughout the project term; however, most of the manuscripts come in last-minute so you must have regular and flexible availability. Because of the nature of the project we are unable to book editors in advance or set a fixed schedule. 

Ideal candidate(s) will have an advanced degree (MA, PhD) with professional experience in copyediting nonfiction manuscripts written by authors in art and cultural history, as well as full bilingual proficiency in French and English. This is a contract position, where the editor will be offered projects on an as-needed basis, based on their interests and availability.

At this time, we are unable to train candidates to perform the duties related to this position. Therefore we are only seeking candidates who have previously completed professional training and worked with clients.

The ideal candidate will possess:

·       MA or PhD in the humanities or social sciences

·       Full professional bilingual in both French and English with the ability to copyedit in both languages and provide comments in French; expert-level background in grammar and mechanics of US and/or UK English (first-language level) and French (français de France) 

·       Certificate in copyediting from an accredited program (e.g., UCSD, UCB, UCGS, SFU, UW, etc.) or a minimum 3-5 years professional copyediting experience

·       Ability and experience working with nonfiction manuscripts, e.g., museum interpretive texts, communications or content marketing materials, general interest, instructional, historical, for self-publishing or traditional print authors

·       Ability to identify and correct grammatical, mechanical, and style issues in manuscripts

·       Expertise in the Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.); online access to this database is a must

·       Technical skills in editing and commenting on manuscripts using Microsoft Word’s track changes, as well as the ability to use a style sheet

·       Experience working with a content management system (CMS), for example WordPress of another platform for managing online content

·       Access to a mobile device, such as an iPhone or Android with Android 9 or iOS 13.6 operating systems or newer

·       Ability to work under pressure and time constraints

·       Excellent communication skills and enthusiasm to join a growing team

Hours and compensation: We need editors with regular availability from late April to June 2024 who are willing to take projects that come in last minute. The rate for this project will be discussed in the interview and will be paid in USD.

Applicants who are a match will be invited to perform a sample copyedit. At this time we are unable to accept editors who are based in the EU.

How to apply: Interested candidates must fill out an application form ( in order to be considered.

Application deadline: May 11, 2024

Copyeditor/ Proofreader 2 (Published April 11)

Quick Red Fox Press
Request for Estimate (Canadian English)

Copyediting and proofreading required for a Quick Red Fox Press book to be published and co-
published in 2025 (Canadian English).

We expect the complete and final manuscript to be available for copyediting by April 2025. The
word count will be approximately 125,000.
If interested, please advise approximate cost and time frame for each.
Thank you.
Glen Ellis, Publisher
Quick Red Fox Press

How to apply: Visit the link

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

Copyeditor/ Proofreader 1 (Published April 11)

Quick Red Fox Press
Request for Estimate (Canadian French)
Copyediting and proofreading required for a Quick Red Fox Press book to be published and
co-published in 2025 (Canadian French).
We expect the complete and final manuscript to be available for copyediting by April 2025.
The word count will be approximately 70,000.
If interested, please advise approximate cost and time frame for each.
Glen Ellis, Publisher
Quick Red Fox Press

How to apply: Visit the link

Application deadline: May 1, 2024

Réviseur occasionnel ou contractuel français (Published April 1)

Le Sénat du Canada est à la recherche une personne souhaitant travailler en qualité de réviseur
occasionnel ou contractuel (français) en soirée. Le travail est dynamique et stimulant, car nous sommes
témoins des débats qui se tiennent au sujet de projets de loi en cours d’élaboration.
Le candidat idéal doit posséder les qualités suivantes :

  • Souci du détail
  • Capacité à transformer un texte parlé en un texte écrit grammaticalement correct qui sera conservé
    dans des volumes reliés
  • Capacité à s’adapter rapidement à de nouveaux logiciels
  • Capacité à travailler de manière indépendante
  • Capacité à respecter des délais serrés
  • Capacité à communiquer efficacement à l’oral et à l’écrit
  • Capacité à travailler en équipe de manière collégiale
  • Capacité à effectuer des recherches de manière indépendante
  • Capacité à travailler le soir si nécessaire
    Les compétences suivantes seront considérées comme des atouts :
  • Expérience du langage XML
  • Expérience de la recherche
  • Expérience du respect des guides de rédaction internes
    Le(s) candidat(s) retenu(s) pourrai(en)t être pris en considération dans le cadre de futurs concours pour d’autres postes. Une formation sera assurée.

Date limite: le 11 avril 2024

Comment postuler: Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer votre curriculum vitae par courriel à avant le 11 avril 2024, en indiquant comme objet « Poste de réviseur occasionnel ou contractuel ».

Editor (Published March 18)

I have completed a romance-historical novel, approximately 148,000 words in length, that necessitates structural editing alongside adjustments for narrative and dialogue. I am seeking an editor with the requisite experience and skill set for this project.

I prioritize an editor’s work history, fairness in rate, and commitment to deadlines. My goal is to complete this project within a four-month timeframe. I would greatly appreciate receiving information on potential rates and the estimated time required for such an undertaking.

The specific aspects I am looking to address include:

  1. Refining the story structure to ensure plot elements are coherent and interconnected.
  2. Ensuring tone consistency that aligns with the novel’s themes.
  3. Enhancing language and style to improve clarity and engage readers.
  4. Correcting grammar and punctuation to maintain professionalism and readability.

Interested parties may respond to my email. Please distribute my request through your platform to facilitate connections with experienced editors who can assist me.

How to apply: Email with resume and rates

Application deadline: April 18, 2024.

Editor (Published March 18)

The Editor will serve as a key member of the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc. (MFNERC) Communications department and its publishing team to review and edit documents for the organization and First Nations. Responsibilities include editing various written materials for content, style, grammar/spelling, and correctness. A demonstrated respect for First Nations knowledge, languages, and
cultures is required for this position. In addition to editing, this role involves some content development. Duties may change periodically at the department’s discretion. The MFNERC Publishing unit produces resources such as curriculum, lesson plans, course materials, fiction and non-fiction books, posters, and maps to support K–12 First Nations schools across Manitoba. The Shop on the MFNERC website sells publications across the province and country. Resources are often translated into Manitoba’s five
First Nations languages, and editors work with translators to achieve this priority. MFNERC editors also work on organizational documents such as reports, conference content, The Centre magazine, brochures, web content, and social media.

 Developmental/Project Editing: coordinating and editing a project from proposal or rough document to final stage, incorporating input from authors, specialists, or reviewers;
 Substantive/Structural Editing: clarifying or reorganizing a document for content and structure;
 Stylistic Editing: clarifying meaning, eliminating jargon, polishing language, and other non-mechanical line-by-line editing;
 Copy Editing: Editing for grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style; checking for consistency of mechanics and for internal consistency of facts; inserting head levels and approximate placement of art; editing tables, figures, and lists; notifying designer of any unusual production
 Fact-Checking/Citation Checking/Reference Checking: checking the accuracy of facts and quotes by reference to original sources used by author or to other reference source;
 Permissions: locating source information and obtaining permission releases for copyrighted material;
 Production Coordination: coordinating and supervising design, formatting, and proofreading stages and ensuring integration of design and content; and
 Proofreading: checking proofs of formatted, edited material for adherence to design and for minor, mechanical errors in copy (such as spelling mistakes or small deviations from style sheet).


 Bachelor’s degree in English, communications, or related field, editing certificate, or equivalent experience;
 Three years of editing, communications, or technical writing-related experience, with a preference for trained and experienced editors
 Proficiency with MS Office products; Knowledge of InDesign/InCopy preferred
 Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
 Excellent interpersonal skills, attention to detail, analytical skills, and organizational skills;
 Ability to work closely with others, independently, and as a member of a multi- disciplinary team of professionals; and
 Ability to work independently to prioritize tasks.
Preference will be given to qualified First Nations applicants who are asked to self- declare on application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. No phone calls will be accepted. Successful candidates must provide satisfactory criminal and child abuse registry checks.
MFNERC offers a competitive salary range to attract and retain qualified, experienced staff. MFNERC also provides comprehensive benefits and retirement contributions. Paid time-off starts at 25 annual leave days, 3 special leave days, and other leave allowances. Funds are provided to staff to support professional development.

MFNERC was established in 1998 by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) through a resolution to provide coordinated second- and third-level education services to First Nations schools in Manitoba. MFNERC provides education, administration, technology, language and culture services to First Nations schools. To date, MFNERC provides services and support to 58 First Nations schools from 49 First Nations. Over the years, MFNERC has evolved from its humble beginnings, providing service on demand with a
handful of employees, into a multifaceted organization that meets the needs of Manitoba’s First Nations schools with various services and support.

How to apply: Interested applicants are invited to submit their resume and cover letter (please state
position title, quoting Job Ad # available at MFNERC website’s Work Here page), along with (3) professional reference listings (including recent employer reference) to:
Human Resources
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre Inc.
2-1100 Waverley Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 3X9
Email: | Fax: 204.942.2490

Application deadline: April 18, 2024.

Science Editors Needed! – Research Journals (Remote)

Remote Copyeditors Needed – MPS North America LLC continues ongoing recruitment of experienced copyeditors with scientific backgrounds (at least a bachelor of science degree in a scientific discipline). Our current need is for Physical Sciences copyeditors, though editors from all scientific backgrounds are welcome to apply. MPS is an international leader in editorial and publishing services, managing a talented group of freelancers copyediting peer-reviewed journal articles to style for major STEM journal publishers. NOTE: Prior copyediting experience is REQUIRED to apply for this position. This is a remote freelance position.

Essential Qualifications

  • BS degree or higher in scientific disciplines such as Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Ecology, Botany, Agronomy, Soil Science, Biology, Medicine, and any other natural/physical science
  • Prior research journal copyediting experience
  • Fluent English speakers with exceptional grasp of style, grammar, and language skills
  • Computer literate
  • Superb attention to detail

Desirable Qualifications

  • Additional copyediting experience / qualifications
  • Experience editing in web-based editing platforms
  • Postgraduate scientific qualifications

How to Apply: Candidates must complete and pass a challenging copyediting test. Successful applicants will receive subsequent software and style training. Please email your resume/CV to, and include your specific fields of scientific experience/expertise, and how you heard about this position.

Remote Book Editor 

Who we are:

Reedsy is a community of over 1,000,000 authors and freelance publishing professionals, creating high-quality and beautiful books. We help authors to find and work with the top professionals in the industry: from editors to designers, marketers, and translators. 
What we’re looking for:

This is a freelance opportunity.
We are seeking talented editors to join our fast-growing community of the industry’s top publishing professionals. Reedsy’s vetted group of freelancers have worked on a range of widely acclaimed novels such as The Hunger Games, Originals (Adam grant), and His Dark Materials (Phillip Pullman) series. There are hundreds of authors currently looking for an editor on Reedsy. Reedsy allows you to pick which genres you’d like to edit so you only receive projects in your area of interest. Once your application has been approved, you will be among the industry’s top 1% of talent.

The minimum requirements we look for are as followed:

  • have 3+ years of editing experience
  • experience working with traditional publishers
  • demonstrate experience on at least 5 published books that are well-reviewed (and available on Amazon or Google Books)

How to apply:

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