Notes from your national executive council: A report from the June 2016 (Q2) meeting

The current national executive council (NEC)’s term is drawing to a close at the end of June. What a year it has been!

At its final quarterly meeting on June 9 in Vancouver, the NEC discussed a number of projects that are in the works this year: the new branch and twig tool kit, the new task force that has been formed to look at branch/twig/national finances, the national mentoring program, an expansion of our international partnerships with other editing associations, and more. These initiatives will be in place soon.

We also talked about our national magazine, Active Voice/Voix active. We plan to create a task force to look at the role of the magazine now that there are so many blogs and other resources readily available; to explore paper vs. digital publications; and to consider how many issues per year to publish.

We’re already starting to plan for the 2018 and 2019 conferences—we’ll keep you posted about those. Factors include ease and cost of travel to the location, how many members are in the area to volunteer to organize the conference, and the cost of possible venues.

We took a moment at the end of the day to reflect on the past year’s work. Here are some of the accomplishments that NEC members mentioned: agrément tests for francophone editors, webinars, Twitter chats, the 2017–21 strategic plan, better communication with members, greater financial stability, and fruitful conversations (by phone, email and SurveyMonkey) with members of Editors Prairie Provinces.

I’ll be writing a report on the annual general meeting to share with members—watch for that in the next couple of weeks.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer, with time for rest, relaxation, family, friends and adventure…

Anne Louise Mahoney

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